In the news - Harold AleXander

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In the news

In the news

In l'AGEFI and l'AGEFI Magazine - Switzerland:

Is a "non decision" an option ? (French)
Maximising acquisitions' success potential (French)

An unexpected value leverage (French)
Going for the next step: shareholder's equity reshuffle (French)

Governance and Consequences (French)
Large projects risk management (French)

Business transfer (French)

Touchy business transfer (French)

The day after (French)

Price and value (French)
Back to operations (French)
Hidden pitfalls of organic growth (French)
Freedom for innovation (French)

Small is beautifull (French)
Revisiting military vs corporate strategy (French)
Lessons from the military (French)
Organising innovation (French)
Time goes by (French)
Vertical concentrations: an anachronism? (French)

In the jungle of financial communication (French)

Banking in Switzerland and Liechtenstein (BSL), Quarterly newsletter


Le Monde économique, October-November 2015

L'opinion, September 15th 2014
Innovation, patent troll and protectionism (French)

L'AGEFI, Geneva

A difficult business succession (French), december 12th 2012
The internet bubble is back (French), june 18th 2011
Reminder of the exuberance (French), june 18th 2011

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